
Lilium speciosum var. clivorum S. Abe et Tamura

Japan is getting very hot.
Not only hot but sticky hot. Wet. wet. wet.
My favorite SASAYURI's season is finishing.
However, I saw a beautiful lilies called Lilium speciosum var. clivorum S. Abe et Tamura. It has light pink color and dots. Some of them are very deep pink but some of them are whitish.
I liked the look. It has very curly leaves get together on top. Interesting. I am lucky to have someone showing me many precious lilies every week.



Lilium Regal

These are Lilium Regal that I was introduced at one of a labo I sometimes visit to meet beautiful lilies. Stunning.



Lilium japonicumvar.japonicum Thunb. 
Smoothy pinkish white petals. How interesting that they all look different.
I am so into this. 

Deep isn't it?

Again this is Lilium japonicumvar.abeanum (Honda) Kitam.

One of my favorite one... see, there are so many faces in same types. Amazing.



JINRYO YURI Iilium japonicum var abeanum (Honda) Kitam. is also categorized in SASA YURI lilium japonicum var. japonicum Thunb. However, this lily is little more unique than SASA YURI. White trimmings on the edge of leaves which give 3D effected looking. Some of them are silky looking and some of them are matted. I guess "the looks" are always depend on the natural light or soil or its gene...for many hundreds of reasons. The special things about this lily is that it tends to live in serpentine environments. It did not matter to me then. This deep pink color stands beautifully in woods. I was so lucky to see them on time of blooming. It was the moment that I fell in love with them. I thank to the person who invited me there. Thanxxx


It is a lily that I found in a wild bush on the way to a peak of a mountain in Japan. 
Pastel pink petals with orangish anthers. 
Called SASA YURI.  lilium japonicum var. japonicum Thunb. 
("YURI" means "Lily "in Japanese)
I like it, I love it and I think it is so beautiful that almost like a little fairy (well...if it does exist on our planet) in a lost forest.
I understand a few things from a specialist who told me that this type of Lily can be seen in a particular place and it has its own varieties just like JINRYO YURI> coming up next!